Lala was raised amidst culture and the arts, where she took her first professional steps in theatre, dance and advertising, acquiring a vast knowledge of direction in the performing arts, film and television.
Having always displayed an interest in solving society’s problems, in parallel with directing activities, Lala dedicated herself to the studies of transdisciplinarity and symbolic language. She later became interested in future studies, becoming one of the Brazilians associated with the World Future Society, which earned her the title of Futurist. She then became one of the founders of the Nucleus for Future Studies at PUC – SP, which integrates the United Nation Millennium Project.
She naturally grew closer to the Third Sector, eventually becoming an advisor to National Sebrae’s presidency. She also initiated a partnership with the UN system, as a special advisor for projects related to Creative Economy, Culture and Development, monitoring these issues across 4, thus, becoming a pioneer in Creative Economy in Brazil.
In 2008 Lala founded the ”Create Futures” Movement, one of the few techniques for future studies centered on sociocultural perspectives, which was presented as an innovation case study at meetings focused on future studies in the United States, Mexico, Spain, China, Japan, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Argentina. From 2008 to 2009, the Movement was present in eight countries and resulted in a series of activities in the following years, one of which was the launch, in 2012, of “Desirable New World” (Portuguese/English and Korean), a book in which Lala talks about life in 2042, at the Rio + 20 conference.
In 2014, at the invitation of ESPM-Sul, Lala created and coordinated the first Post-Graduate Course in Creative and Collaborative Economics. Since then, she has been systematizing her knowledge in a procedure management system oriented towards the changes in the socioeconomic models of the 21st century, a methodology based on Future Studies and 4 New Economies (Creative, Shared, Collaborative, Multicurrency), which she named Fluxonomy 4D.