Application of Fluxonomy 4D to create a common narrative among the 10 partners (representatives of Chilean cultural institutions), with the objective of consolidating a collective brand to value and offer…
I work with 14 Ibero-American institutions from 6 countries (Spain, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Cuba), using Fluxonomy 4D to optimize their management and measure impact and results beyond the…
FLUXONOMY AND 4D ECONOMY January 30, 2019, Conference February 7th to 9th, Workshop Fluxonomy combines futurism and new economies. The goal is to synthesize information in this sea of data…
Pamplona, Spain Laboratory of constituent practices in 4D economics May 6th to 8th, 2018
Inaugural conference: Virtuality in a creative and collaborative world Guadalajara: UDG Virtual, November 28, 2016 Lecture and presentation of Flowonomy and methodology for the Cultural Management team, UDG, November 25,…
Online seminar “The next 5 years, the next 20 years” São Paulo/ Buenos Aires, October 13, 2016
Pintilii, R.D., Peptenatu, D., Ciobotaru, A.M., Toma, S.G., Grigore, A.M., Drăghici, C.C., Dobrea, R.C., Simion, A.G., Andronache, I., Teodorescu, C. and Diaconu, C.D., 2017. in: Środa-Murawska, S. and Szymańska, D. editors,…